Stats Before to After:

Body Weight: 209lbs to 194lbs

Body Fat: 30.8% to 13.4%

Lean Muscle: 144lbs to 168lbs

Waist Line: 36 inches to 32 inches


After my 40th birthday, I began to realize that my physical condition had deteriorated and the slightest physical activity with my children became much more difficult. I had neglected my diet and physical training for several years; I was obviously overweight and realized that I needed to take the means to regain a better health. So I decided to join the gym and start a cardio regimen without really getting the desired results!

After all! It could not be so complicated! A little treadmill, a bit of stair master, some weights and I would get back on track in no time! After a few months, I was not discouraged but far from my goal…

It was during my many cardio sessions that I saw Chris working in the gym, then meetings in his office and especially the changes in his clients. I quickly realized that I needed to team up with him if I really wanted to carry out my project. Well, it was one of the best decisions of my life!

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to meet several competent and dedicated people. Well, Chris Gurunlian is part of this very small group! He quickly understood my needs, established an effective and detailed training and meal plan, and taught me the notions I needed to reach my goals.

Throughout my workouts with his better half Yulia, I learned to train properly but also to eat better and a lot of other important aspects of training in order to achieve optimum physical condition. Chris has communicated his art and encouraged me to surpass myself and today I can aspire to compete in this wonderful sport.

I could not find enough words to thank Chris and Yulia for taking me under their wing and allowing me to revive my health and fitness and allow me to better enjoy my children and my life. Chris and Yulia are now my coaches and my friends and I owe a lot for what they have brought me. I wish them all the success they deserves!

Thank you very much my friends.