Stats: Before to After
Body Weight: 155lbs to 135lbs
Body Fat: 37.2% to 24.9%
Lean Muscle: 92lbs to 101lbs
Waist Line: 35 inches to 29 inches


I LOVE SWEETS…as you can see on the left !

2 years ago I had no discipline, I indulged in all the good stuff. I ate healthy foods but I LOVED my desserts and fast foods. I wanted to lose a few pounds and have a healthier lifestyle so I decided to see Chris. I took his Silver Package that included a training program and diet for 6 months and I lost the 10 pounds I set out to lose.

EASY? YA RIGHTTTTT …coming to the gym did become easy and part of my routine. I was going about 4 times a week and of course I took training sessions with Chris to ensure I was doing all my exercises correctly. I grew to love the gym, that’s where I distress, where I think about nothing but myself, where I keep growing stronger mentally and physically; its my sane place. HARDEST PART? THE DIET!! During the week was a little easier to follow since I work in an office and I run on a schedule but evening and weekends WERE VERY HARD, I DEFITNITELY CHEATED WAY MORE THAN I SHOULD HAVE BUT I JUST LOVED ALL THE WRONG FOODS TOO MUCH.

Between 2014 and 2016 I was off and on with dieting. I put on a few pounds and lost a few pounds but for the most part I stayed consistent with going to the gym. Chris was always around to follow up with me when I needed him and guided me through this transition.

Within the past 6 months I’ve grown the most, especially mentally. THIS IS NOT EASY! But over 2 years I continued pushing, trying, and learning and it got me to where I am today. One thing I’m EXPREMELY PROUD OF, IVE PERMANENTLY CUT OUT SODA and trust me I used to drink it more than water. What’s so important is PORTION CONTROL and eat every 2 or 3 hours, get your protein and greens in. Now I workout 6 days a week and I’ll cheat not more than twice a week, don’t get me wrong I still love dessert BUT I CONTROL MYSELF 😉 AND YES, SACRIFICE! I’ve gone to Rockaberries and sat across my boyfriend and watched him eat an apple cheese crumble pie while I sipped on a glass of water. As soon as we left I devoured my protein bar…thank god for those !! CHOOSE YOURSELF, YOUR BODY, YOUR HEALTH OVER THAT PIZZA OR PIE!

I continue to challenge myself and I cant wait to see what I’ll achieve in the near future. I’m the type of person who needs A LOT OF MOTIVATION and A PUSH HERE & THERE WHICH I GOT FROM CHRIS AND HIS TEAM, without their help I wouldn’t be where I am today.