by Chris Gurunlian | May 1, 2018 | Female Transformations, Transformations
TRANSFORMATION OF THE MONTH FEATURING our online client from Vancouver Ashley Davidson STATS BEFORE TO AFTER: WEIGHT: 147.4LBS TO 139.6LBS BODY FAT: 20% TO 11% LEAN MASS: 106LBS TO 121LBS Testimonial: The moment Chris told me that he’s very honest and...
by Chris Gurunlian | Feb 1, 2018 | Female Transformations, Transformations, Uncategorized
TRANSFORMTION OF THE MONTH FEATURING Line Grandchamp Stats Before to After: WEIGHT: 131LBS TO 131LBS BODY FAT: 19% TO 6.3% LEAN MUSCLE MASS: 106LBS TO 120LBS Testimonial: It all started with a colleague of mine ( Phys Ed Teacher ) who told me one day...
by Bond Seidel | Oct 1, 2017 | Female Transformations, Athletes, Transformations
STATS: BODY WEIGHT: 122LBS TO 130LBS BODY FAT: 15% TO 8% LEAN MUSCLE: 103LBS TO 118LBS Testimonial: I had always dreamed of competing on stage , so I did my first bikini competition in 2014 but never felt 100% comfortable competing in this division. Every pose felt...
by Chris Gurunlian | Jul 1, 2017 | Female Transformations
STATS: BEFORE and AFTER Body Weight: 139lbs to 124lbs Body Fat: 17% to 7% Testimonial: I knew I had found the right coach for me after our first skype session. Chris takes such great care of his athletes, the support and guidance I have received while training...
by Chris Gurunlian | Apr 1, 2017 | Female Transformations, Transformations
STATS BEFORE (2015) AND AFTER (2017): Body Weight: 128lbs to 130lbs Body Fat: 22.9% to 9.8% Lean Muscle: 99lbs 118lbs Testimonial: It’s no surprise that Chris’ last name includes the word GURU. What is a guru? Someone who is a “teacher, guide,...
by Chris Gurunlian | Feb 1, 2017 | Female Transformations, Transformations
Stats: Before to After Body Weight: 155lbs to 135lbs Body Fat: 37.2% to 24.9% Lean Muscle: 92lbs to 101lbs Waist Line: 35 inches to 29 inches Testimonial: I LOVE SWEETS…as you can see on the left ! 2 years ago I had no discipline, I indulged in all the...