So often I hear the same excuse from people who want to get fit but constantly fail at it “I HAVE NO TIME”. It’s pretty tough for me to accept this excuse from anyone having worked with a client like Nancy.
She has a full time job where she works 8am to 4pm, she has 2 young boys who she cares for her by herself since her husband works out of town and is not home at all during the week. She doesn’t have a nanny or a maid to help her around the house, so she cooks and cleans for everyone, drives her boys to school, picks them, does homework with them and still makes time to train 6 times a week and follow her meal plan. How does she do it? Her health and fitness is a priority in her life! Which in turn, gives her the proper nutrition and stamina to do everything that she does on a daily basis and never feels tired.
She is a great example to all women that it is possible to make time for yourselves to get into the shape that will make you happy whether it is to lose weight or get toned up like her. Great job Nancy, very proud of you!
Starting literally from the ground up it has been an absolute pleasure working with Chris the past 3 plus years. First as my trainer and then to contest prep coach. Chris didn't only teach me proper training techniques but how to build my body through proper nutrition to reach my goals as a Figure athlete. For me it's about 3 important things when it comes to training. Passion, Dedication and Loyalty to YOURSELF! No one else. Having said that the LUDABOSS lacks none of those 3 things for himself and his athletes giving 100% percent all the time. On the road to Nationals to make Team Ludachris proud. Thank you for everything !