
Thiery came to me over a year ago wanting to compete in his first men’s physique competition.  I had a look at him and told him that he definitely had the potential to compete, but needed a good 12-24 months to put on quality muscle mass the right way, so that when we would put on stage for the first time, he would have a very competitive physique.

He agreed and was willing to put in the necessary work and so we began with a customized meal plan and training program i created for him to help him grow while keeping a good level of conditioning.

His before and after pictures are over 12 months of work that he has put in and I project that his physique will improve enough over the span of another 12 months and he will make his men’s physique debut at 2016 APQ Quebec Open.

Very proud of you Thiery!  Keep up the great work!


“Pendant l’été 2014 , j’ai contacté Chris pour qu’il m’entraîne car j’avais entendu des bons commentaires à propos de lui . J’ai toujours chercher un coach qui pourrais m’aider à atteindre mes objectifs élevé car je suis un perfectionniste . Malheureusement , aucun coach me convenait après m’avoir fait entraîner par 2 autres coach au auparavant .
Chris a été le bon coach pour moi . Une personne très professionnel , qui est toujours la pour moi et qui ma fait grandement évoluer en 1 ans . Je compte reste avec lui très longtemps car pour moi c’est le meilleur coach . Avec lui je sais que je peux atteindre mes objectifs .”
Thiery J.